I explain why it can be better to lose before you lose big. Adrian explains why people jump off the Luxor. We also continue NBA tales with Charles Barkley, Dirk Nowitzki, and Auntie Bosh.
Part 1 of 2. We celebrate the NBA returning. We remember a simpler time when Eddie Murphy was funny. We also openly mock several cults we've had personal expieriences with. Hooray!
We have a debate over whether Manhunter or Red Dragon is a worse movie now that Hannibal is ready to tackle the small screen. We recount stories of Keg Battles past. And we mourn the NBA season just an hour before they save it. All this is done with us carrying an extra twenty holiday pounds.
As we battle viruses, we battle each other in a competition that will shake the foundations of the western world. Or a snowbank filled with urine, anyway.