September 29, 2014

A walk among Gotham

We review the pilot for Gotham, the second season premier of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Simpsons and Family Guy crossover, and A Walk Among Tombstones.

September 22, 2014

The Greatest Saturday Night Live cast member is...part two

We conclude Grantland's SNL bracket and decide who is the greatest SNL cast member ever.  Song:  Interlude into Exodus by Kirk to Kahn.

September 15, 2014

The greatest Saturday Night Live cast member is...Part One

Ice T reads a Dungeons and Dragons book:  The Crystal Shard.  Floyd Mayweather can’t read.  And we begin figuring out who the all-time greatest SNL cast member is through a bracket provided by Grantland.

September 8, 2014


We talk about failures in the war against drugs.  Brandon reviews The Expendables.  We create the ultimate action movie One Last Job.  And Biggs sings Crazy For You.

September 1, 2014

Bruce Jenner's more plastic then man.

Topics:  the orgins of "neither confirm or deny".  Madden 15 is reviewed.  Biggs has an unorthodox idea for his retirement (it involves Kavaciae).  Brian is done with the ice bucket challenge.  The Joan Rivers legacy.  The Kardashians still suck.  The Knick is gross but great.  What is the game plan for people who get pentagrams tattooed on their forehead?